If you cannot get your items quickly enough from ordering from me you can visit the following retailers, if you don't know where they are ask Google or Google Maps they are very clever these days!!
- Lim - Cape Town
- The Craft and Design Institute at the Watershed in the V& A Waterfront - Cape Town
- Design Afrika - carries an exciting and exclusive range of Black Dog Ceramics (not available on this website) - Cape Town
- Craftart & Gallery - Simonstown
- The Swartland Tourism Office (Shop is called MIR - Made in Riebeek) - Riebeek Kasteel
- Iconomy - Johannesburg
- Leopard Hills Private Game Lodge - Mpumalanga
- Mahatsara - Paris - France
Please Note: Retailers do not stock all of my products, you need to enquire or visit them directly.